Originally Posted by findingpeace
Well, I finally figured out the subforum thing. Requires code edits, as there aren't any hooks nearby. Open up /includes/functions.php
$threadinfo = array(
Add in your avatar variables like below (be careful with commas!)
$threadinfo = array(
'title' => $lastpostinfo['lastthread'],
'threadid' => $lastpostinfo['lastthreadid'],
'avatardateline' => $lastpostinfo['avatardateline'],
'hascustomavatar' => $lastpostinfo['hascustomavatar']
Then you can simply call these variables in a forumhome plugin like so:
$lp_dateline = $lastpostinfo['avatardateline'];
$lp_userid = $lastpostinfo['userid'];
$hascustomavatar = $lastpostinfo['hascustomavatar'];
You can even do this without the forumhome plugin just by getting the variables from template. (Still need the query plugin, of course).
Best of luck!
I can do the whole edit file thing no problem but I don't get what should I do next? What is forumhome plugin? Where do I put all this stuff?
Developer is long gone, is anyone willing to repair this bug for him? This is very nic plugin but with subforums not working it's not usable atm :/