Old thread but hey lets reply as some may come along later and wonder.
Originally Posted by FreshFroot
If anyone DOES have problems with the key activation not working. Or the license not updating, give me a shout and I can help you get it working once again.
I already helped a few people and they are STILL using the latest vBSEO on their forums.
lol wut?
I say that with much irony, reason being "latest version" or not its still outdated and prone to security issues. The company does not exist i.e. no one has been updating it to fix any security issues...

and yes even at the time your post was made, this was true then and still holds true now.
Originally Posted by mykkal
If your available I could use some help with vbseo. My forums url rewrites aren't working since I upgraded to vb4.2.3 from vb 3.8.1. My vbseo version is 3.6.2. Is there a later version that works with vb 4.2.x? I'm able to get into the vbseo control panel and all the control panel settings are accessible.
so if anyone is available to help i'm pretty good at edits mysql and ssh. I can do whatever is needed if I know what needs to be done.
server specs:
php 5.5
apache 2.2
mysql 5.1
vb 4.2.3
Check out DB Tech's DBSEO, should be able to find it via google rather quickly I believe the lite version is uploaded here as well. If you do decide to replace with that, do not uninstall vbseo theres a process to this just be patient but remove vbseo for your sake not ours IF not going with dbseo but since you're on 3.x the mod rewrite and friendly urls are not there so dbseo might in fact be your only replacement - gosh I do recall some 3.x url mods similar to vbseo so you may want to look there too, they would have many less features but still may do what you want (most of it).