Why is vbb 5.x so complicated, convoluted, and poorly documented???
Having gotten an auto-registration working, I am now trying to get an auto login to work.
BUT, I cannot even find out where the login script is being executed!!!
You can delete all of these:
and still login/logout ... WTF
I would not mind logging in through the main login form using javascript but need to change the redirect which I cannot find because it is not in any login.php file
There is an older post about auto login where they were working on:
PHP Code:
$auth = vB_User::verifyAuthentication($username, $password, null, null);
if($auth) {
$res = vB_User::processNewLogin($auth, $vbulletin->GPC['logintype'], $vbulletin->GPC['cssprefs']);
if($res) {
vbsetcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'userid', $res['userid'], false, true, true);
vbsetcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'password', $res['password'], false, true, true);
vbsetcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'sessionhash', $res['sessionhash'], false, false, true);
Which they extracted from ./core/login.php (which is apparently not used), but more is needed to set the cookie since vB User is not defined.
Maybe it would work if I knew how to define the vB User.
Any help or ideas?