thanks kevin, it's something. even though you lost me lol. so i took that snippit and replaced all the $this->registry 's with $vbulletin and the $this->post 's with $userinfo
I appended that code to my existing code, and like i suspected got errors. so i try'd taking out my original if condition and changed the template piece to $userinfo ? rather than $lastpav still errors, unexpected if something, my brains farting so hard right now lol.
im just lost, looking over the code i mean it looks fairly simple, just alot of if elses but if its not vb template php ( $templatecode ) <if>this <else /> that</if> its close to giberish to me although something i REALLY REALLY want to learn and this seemed like a fairly easy outcome i was looking for to help get me started "learning" lol.
so im assuming i can take quite a few of those if conditions out of that snippit, and maybe rename some variables so my template <if> would be to my liking, but yeah brain farts and no sleep go so well together. im gunna wrap this up with im lost, i appreciate the help though =) and maybe just maybe this will result in a cool little plugin.
so have a good valentines day y'all and im passing out <3
and heres the full funked up code, that i totally ruined
$lastpname = $lastpostinfo[lastposter];
$getlastpname = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user WHERE username = \"$lastpname\"");
$lastpid = $getlastpname['userid'];
$lastpavurl = fetch_avatar_url($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
$lastpav = "<img src='' />";
$lastpav = "<a href='member.php?u=$lastpid'><img src='image.php?u=$lastpid' alt='$lastpname Profile'></a>";
$userinfo = fetch_userinfo($lastpid, FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR)
// get avatar
if ($userinfo['avatarid'])
$userinfo['avatarurl'] = $userinfo['avatarpath'];
if ($userinfo['hascustomavatar'] AND $vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'])
if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar'])
$userinfo['avatarurl'] = $vbulletin->options['avatarurl'] . '/avatar' . $userinfo['userid'] . '_' . $userinfo['avatarrevision'] . '.gif';
$userinfo['avatarurl'] = 'image.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $userinfo['userid'] . '&dateline=' . $userinfo['avatardateline'];
if ($userinfo['avwidth'] AND $userinfo['avheight'])
$userinfo['avwidth'] = 'width="' . $userinfo['avwidth'] . '"';
$userinfo['avheight'] = 'height="' . $userinfo['avheight'] . '"';
$userinfo['avwidth'] = '';
$userinfo['avheight'] = '';
$userinfo['avatarurl'] = '';
if ( // no avatar defined for this user
OR // visitor doesn't want to see avatars
($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] > 0 AND !$vbulletin->userinfo['showavatars'])
OR // user has a custom avatar but no permission to display it
(!$userinfo['avatarid'] AND !($this->cache['perms'][$userinfo['userid']]['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canuseavatar']) AND !$userinfo['adminavatar']) //
$show['avatar'] = false;
$show['avatar'] = true;
but my original code was pretty much working.... it just had a few hickups, i dont see why i would need to add soooo much for such a little effect...