I've installed this and after i added categories when i click on the category link in the reviews page I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method DBTECH_REVIEW_EXTENSION::fetch_navbits() in /home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/dbtech/review/actions/main.php on line 42
The code there is:
if ($catid)
DBTECH_REVIEW::$extension->fetch_navbits($catid, 'category', $show['ri']);
if ($page > 1)
$offset = $perpage * ($page - 1);
I have some custom coding in the navbar_link template. Its:
<vb:if condition="$show['breadcrumb']">
<li class="navbit">» <a href="{vb:raw nav_url}">{vb:raw nav_title}</a></li>
<vb:else />
<li class="navbit lastnavbit"><span>{vb:raw nav_title}</span></li>
Any help would be great, thanks.