Originally Posted by Alan_SP
Did you had vBSEO and what situation was then?
Yep, we switched directly from vbSEO to DBSEO and I wrote down the loads for comparison. With vbSEO CPU load was ~80% and server loads barely under 1:1:1 .
Originally Posted by Alan_SP
Each core (you have 12) is represented with 1 when it's up to 100% load in server load averages. So, if your server would run with 50% load, you'd see something like: 6:6:6 (well, the number of the beast  ). You could interpret it like 6 cores run to the max and 6 aren't working at all. Or any other way you want to.
I?m not worried to run out of ressources

. Indeed it has slightly slowed down the server. I was just courious if that could somehow add up over time to create a problem the one or other way. As Jorandh pointed out now, unfortunal it can be a big deal. Unless DBTech can?t relay on a QA with 20 people, DBSEO is beeing updated on the fly and therefor needs bug reports they can act upon. It?s a bit to much to expect, that Fillip is going through each an every line of code to reflect every server config, environment or custom feature available.
Errm wait..mhm..that idea doesn?t sound THAT bad