Originally Posted by asabet
I have 5 separate vB 4.2.2 forums on 4 different domains. They have different memberships on each although some common members between them If I understand correctly, this will let me link them with a single signon. Is there any risk to doing this? Eg, database corruption, membership loss, etc. Does it matter that two of my sites use Photopost Pro?
Also, are there specific directions for how to do this anywhere, or do I just install the product on all 5 vB sites and figure it out from there.
We can assure you that it is safe to use vBSSO with different domains. Latest vBulletin vBSSO release introduces the new feature when vBulletin can act as slave platform in case of connecting it to another vBulletin platform. So, you can easily install the product on all 5 vB sites and figure it out from there. But, please note this feature does not work properly in IE browser yet. Our team is engaged and working hard to get this issue fixed ASAP.