@ the speed issues: DBSEO needs to open a new DB connection because it loads before vBulletin does, so that is why you're seeing extra MySQL connections needed. This is not a problem unless your server is a toaster.
Also, server load is only a problem if it approaches the number of CPU cores you have available. For instance, on a Dual CPU 8-core server, all server loads below 32 is perfectly normal. 2 CPUs x 8 cores x 2 due to HyperThreading.
0.7 to 1.6 is literally nothing.
@ vBSEO: An importer from vBSEO is available in the Pro version of DBSEO, so if the default URL formats in DBSEO cannot match your vBSEO URL formats then you will not be able to use your vBSEO formats in DBSEO Lite.