Originally posted by Xube
Can a few of you who have got this hack working post links to examples of your pages where it works? I'd like to see what this looks like when functioning and the hytek.com link provided doesn't show a page at all. Thanks.
I wouldn't get worked up about it. I certainly appreciate Tubedogg - he has done some killer hacks and I use them - but this one doesn't work, for the simple fact that if you include it on another page it will display many more people being on then there actually are. For example, your who's online in the forums might say 22, but the hack will say 40 (or whatever).
And before you get excited and think it's reflecting total people on your site, not just forums - no it isn't. It's double-counting some logins. Don't know why - no one has answered that one.
The modified hack another member posted does the same thing. Personally, I think a hack that's supposed to show how many people are online that doesn't get the correct number is fairly useless. Not being insulting, just stating the facts.