Originally Posted by Palmcone
I use this plugin on one of my forums and have been very happy with it. Yesterday I installed it on another forum and although the profile tabs & postbit area show the mod is installed, the button bar doesn't show at all. I've checked it with the default skin and all other products deactivated and it's still not working.
Any suggestions?
Have you set the Can Click permissions per button?
Originally Posted by djbaxter
Would like to show Likes and Thanks from other users in Notifications but not my own Thanks/Likes. Is there an easy way to do this?
To clarify, I mean for everyone - don't show the users' own Thanks or Likes.
The Pro version allows you to turn off the Given thanks/likes in the profile
Originally Posted by odarriba
I have 4.4.2 installed but not working well.
If I click through does nothing

Check your browser's console for any javascript errors, and check your server's error log for any PHP errors