Originally Posted by pityocamptes
On a side thought anyone find a work around for rss feed coming in to a https site? I get the icon showing dual security on content. Thanks.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but when your site is running SSL/HTTPS, you should be using HTTPS URL's. If content is being served over HTTP on a HTTPS site, you and your users will get a Mixed Content Warning. That is why I always change urls to javascript library's to https, and if the url to the javascript library does not have HTTPS enabled, I download the JS File and store it locally on my server so I can serve it over HTTPS. If I cannot actually download it, I view the JS Code in my browser, copy and paste the code in Notepad++ and then store it locally on my server.
I'm not sure if URLs posted by members affect the Mixed Content Warning or not, but I have a custom Anonym URL Redirect Addon that I created. My addon redirects all URL's that is not on the Whitelist, and redirects the user to the URL anonymously. I have it setup on one of my other Top Level Domains, I made the domain just for my addon. The URL shows up like this in posts -
You can see the URL is not HTTP, but it redirects to the HTTP url, that way users will not get the Mixed Content Warning.
If you want to use my custom addon on your forum, let me know. I did release it on vB.org, but I haven't released the updated version yet. Its because from developing the addon, I have the files scattered around my server. I have to get all of the files together, and clean it up a bit before I release it. But if you need it now, I can get the files together and send you a copy. And I can walk you through the setup process. You can either install it on your forum domain and have it in its own directory, or you can install it on its own domain like how I have it.
My Forum -
My URL Anonym Redirect Addon -