I was hoping to remove Visitor Messages from Activity Stream. (Not sure why anyone would want VMs to appear there.) So I added the following to the exclude in the JSON string search:
I read the whole tutorial on
JSON search Not sure why it isn't working. Here is whole string.
mysite.com/search?searchJSON={%22date%22:{%22from%22:%222%22} ,%22type%22:%5B%22vBForum_Gallery%22,%22vBForum_Li nk%22,%22vBForum_Photo%22,%22vBForum_Poll%22,%22vB Forum_Text%22,%22vBForum_Video%22%5D,%22channel%22 :{%22param%22:%22channelid%22},%22sort%22:{%22crea ted%22:%22desc%22},%22view%22:%22%22,%22exclude_ty pe%22:%5B%22vBForum_PrivateMessage%22,%22vBForum_V isitorMessage%22%5D}
If I have posted this is wrong place, please let me know where it should go please.