Just posted: VaultWiki Lite v4.0.1 (released January 28, 2015)
- Fixed cached forum content showing as unparsed
- Fixed fatal error viewing discussion with comment by a deleted user
- Fixed missing error handling for some admin panels
- Fixed WYSIWYG editor using wrong character encoding
- Fixed global feeds only editable by moderators
- Fixed cron cleanup not using indexes
- Fixed feed content not adhering to search engine rules
- Fixed fatal error with some custom VW_DEPS_PATH values
- Fixed inability to name wiki content '0'
- Fixed CSS with PHP Suhosin path
- Fixed unexpected last-info for some update types
- Fixed some caches empty after install
- About 70 other bugs are fixed
Let me reiterate for everyone that the forum BB-Codes showing as unparsed is now fixed! This was occurring for some installations after the first-reading of a post if the forum had a post cache lifetime > 0 and the lifetime had not yet been reached for that post. @AkibaWorld @alfieb @halkum