Originally Posted by ozzy47
What vB version and PHP version are you running?
VB version 4.2.2 and PHP 5.4.35
And I've had people trying to integrate the site with wordpress maybe that had something to do with it. I don't know. The guy who I hired to do something ended up being horrible so I let him go but he claims he didn't' do anything to the code but it does match up to the 24th when he started.
I have another guy who usually helps but he's busy with a new kid.
Then one of my mods said he started using the site from his laptop and it wasn't doing it anymore for him specifically. But it's still doing it now for everyone else. I just tested it again and same thing.
Can any of you take a look under the hood for me? How much would be an acceptable price to charge to have somebody from here look into this for me?