Can someone tell me where the adding new user script is located in vbb 5.x?
I had an automatic vbb registration in 3.8.x that I created long ago. Now that I am using vbb 5.x would like to integrate same. This is my original script (simple and sweet):
PHP Code:
define('VB_AREA', 'External');
define('SKIP_USERINFO', 1);
define('CWD', '/home/curecd/www/discussions');
require_once(CWD . '/core/includes/init.php');
$newuser =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
$newuser->set('username', $userid);
$newuser->set('email', $email);
$newuser->set('password', $password);
$newuser->set('usergroupid', 2);
$newuser->set('usertitle', '<b>CDI Member</b>');
$newuser->set('ipaddress', $ip);
$newuser->set_bitfield('options', 'adminemail', '1');
$newuser->set_bitfield('options', 'showemail', '1');
$newuserid = $newuser->save();
Unfortunately, it does not work with vbb 5 (returns
Fatal error: Class 'vB_Request_Web' not found in /home/curecd/public_html/discussions/core/includes/init.php on line 38
Fatal error: Class 'vB_Shutdown' not found in /home/curecd/public_html/discussions/core/vb/vb.php on line 454)
Does anyone have any advise on how to get this script modified for vbb 5.x and/or the location of the register commands in vbb 5.x so I can start from scratch
Any thoughts/advise would be greatly appreciated