When stumbling over the calendar and it?s functions, most where completly disappointed. No RSS-Feeds, no social networks, nothing. Ridicoulos and until now there are only a few coders that had mercy with us and were willing enough to give that calendar a little more functionality.
If you take a peek on other forum-softwares you can find pretty much all thinkable additions to their calendar-modules, upgrading it to a really useful and attracting part of a community, that should move the almost dead vBulletin calendar into the range of the main focus.
Don?t believe it? Have a look by yourself to this one for example:
https://xenforo.com/community/resour...ndo-events.99/ . It?s made by
Jaxel, a former vBulletin-Coder, who abandoned vBulletin and went on to use other software in the time of the owner change fiasko at vb.com and the initial release of XF. I?ve already contacted Jaxel today to find out, if there could be any chance to get this one ported over for a use with vBulletin 4.
It has to be assumed, that porting this mod over to vBulletin 4 will only happen, when some users are willing to spent some bugs for it. So, at this point I want to start a little fundraiser, who is willing to throw some money in the pot. Please only add yourself to the poll, when you are serious about that.