Unfortunately these days not many people want to pay for things. Its hard these days being a freelancer for all of us that do it. Especially when you have people running around doing stuff like creating custom skins for $100 and the skins look like crap, they are coded improperly and it looks like a 12 year old did it, but everyone wants to get a good deal. Unfortunately here on vBulletin.org it has gotten quite thin. There used to be tons of people on here and at least 8-10 posts in the Paid section a day. I could pick clients really easily just off this site, but its so slow here now and so many developers have dumped vBulletin that I'm afraid this is one reason for the low numbers.
And I remember your contribution back when you were MicroHellas. I signed up on your site back then and I had bought a shopping cart from you at one time.

I have always thought that you were very professional & courteous to customers.