There was a modification here for vB3 I use called Template Manager. I don't know if it's available for vB4, but it'll let you download and import any number of a collection of templates from a given style.
Originally Posted by
Either to have 2 servers (dev / prod) to work on themes or else.
And I don't want to keep looking at red or orange flagged templates, they should all reset and be like a clean, new style
Keep in mind, your styles will
always be orange or red, if they're customized. No color indicates that your templates are the default vB style. Importing any new style won't change this.
Are that many of your modifications' templates customized? Have you edited all 24 of them? If it's really not that many, it probably wouldn't be that much work to just download styles for those particular add-ons. (You'd only have to do it once, per add-on.) Or, if you really want to be safe, just copy/paste the customized templates into a text document for safekeeping. I used to do this, before I started learning and utilizing CSS more. (The Additional CSS always exports with the style, regardless of what it's for.)