Whenever I attempt to delete donations.. I receive the following error
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET ecommerce_donations=ecommerce_donations-1, ecommerce_donationsamount=ecommerce_donationsamount-100.00 WHERE userid=1;
MySQL Error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`ruofficialboard`.`user`.`ecommerce_donations` - 1)'
Error Number : 1690
Request Date : Thursday, January 15th 2015 @ 08:47:37 PM
Error Date : Thursday, January 15th 2015 @ 08:47:37 PM
Script : http://www.ruofficial.com/admincp/ecommerce_admin.php?do=donations&action=delete&id=2
Referrer : http://www.ruofficial.com/admincp/ecommerce_admin.php?do=donations
IP Address :
Username : SBOfficial
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.36-cll-lve
**Edit** I am at work using "net2ftp" as I cannot access my programs here. So maybe that is the case as it's not as functional uploading a large amount of files, I guess I will re install this 'officially' when home, either way, this ROCKS!