Originally Posted by keyness
I am sorry if it's asked before but there is a point which I don't understand with the logic of this mod.
"Force Wait for Minimum Time" option enables submit button after minimum time has passed, but don't spambots also benefit this option? With disabling submit button they won't complete their registration and when it's available they will complete it. So they will get over the criteria and become a member. Am I wrong? Or do bots leave the page when they can't find the submit button?
Bot's don't use the page the same way a user does. While a human user looks at the page in a browser, fills in the fields, and might have to wait for the button to appear, a bot doesn't use a browser and doesn't have to use the submit button, it's just a program that can send data that looks just like a form being submitted from a browser.
It would be possible for a more sophisticated bot to see that the submit button isn't enabled and wait for it, or to just look and see how long to delay based on the timer in the javascript, but fortunately they don't seem to work that way. I think the reason this mod works is because it's not a standard feature of vbulletin. If it were, then someone might have already programmed a bot to get around it.