Originally Posted by HM666
WOW that is a good point I never thought about that personally and have never run into anyone doing that. I'll keep that in mind in the future.
Unfortunatelly I've bad experiance from this

And you know where is the dammit problem? That it takes time to understand what's going wrong. In my bad experiance the table "users" has been overwritten from aeDating script (I'll never forget the name of this script). I was getting errors in some queries about the users table but I was seeing it to exists. It tooks many days(!!) to understand that that table "users" was not from my forum script (I think was phpbb) but from aeDating.
vBulletin knew that problems that's why did a very wise thing. The common naming for tables were "users", "usergroups", "threads", "posts". But they named them in singular giving an extra security.
If at anytime you see the dataschema of any script using the "DROP TABLE" and then "CREATE TABLE" just go away. For sure the developer is not good.