vBulletin Mobile 1.9 Released
We are proud to announce the release of the vBulletin Mobile Suite 1.9. This version is covers a number of issues for iOS compliance. There are a number of issues resolved for both the iOS and Android versions. The Mobile Suite is available for all versions of vBulletin that support the Mobile Api.
iOS Improvements
[VBI-879] - selecting post then pressing move in moderate options closes the app iOS vb3 1.4
[VBI-1165] - In German language settings buttons are in french language
[VBI-1171] - Formatting buttons are not visible/hidden
[VBI-1173] - Some activity stream items don't load all the info
[VBI-1194] - Create Thread Screen - View is not correct / Predictive Keyboard
[VBI-1195] - Landscape Mode Alerts displayed incorrectly
[VBI-1198] - Formatting buttons are not visible/hidden for small screens
[VBI-1166] - iOS 8 Compliance
Android Improvements
[VBA-535] - Text in buttons are misaligned
[VBA-559] - "Messages" option on the User Profile results confusing with the Private Messages
[VBA-560] - "Unknown error. Error code - user_name_x_already_in_use_choose_different_one"
[VBA-563] - Notices are not working
[VBA-565] - The user avatar will not be displayed on the top
[VBA-576] - Username prediction won't work for Private Messages
[VBA-591] - The app version is not displayed correctly
[VBA-596] - Remove JumpTap Library
The Mobile Publisher has been updated to handle these changes.