I am currently trying to use this addon in my forum and have noticed that the author doesn't use the usual vbulletin way to create the breadcrumb-navbits (he is inserting custom arrow-images).
I have coded a custom recursive function that makes perfect use of vbulletins breadcrumb-navbits. You just have to replace the function
getRidesNavBar in
functions_vbrides.php with the following function:
PHP Code:
function getRidesNavBarArray($navbitsarray, $catid, $lastnavbit) {
global $db, $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $vboptions, $navbitsarray;
if ($catid < 0) {
return '';
$qry = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."vbrides_categories WHERE id = $catid AND active = 1");
$row = $db->fetch_array($qry);
$seolink = 'vbrides.php?do=main&catid=' . $row['id'];
if (count($navbitsarray) == 0) {
// add custom lastnavbit if supplied
if (!empty($lastnavbit)) {
$navbitsarray = array($seolink => $row['name'], '' => $lastnavbit);
} else {
$navbitsarray = array('' => $row['name']);
} else {
$navbitsarray = array_merge(array($seolink => $row['name']), $navbitsarray);
// still have parents?
if ($row['parentid'] != 0) {
getRidesNavBarArray($navbitsarray, $row['parentid'], $lastnavbit);
return $navbitsarray;
And you will have to call this function in
vbrides.php a little bit differently 2 times:
PHP Code:
$navbits = array_merge($navbits, getRidesNavBarArray(array(), $catid, $ride['title']));
PHP Code:
$navbits = array_merge($navbits, getRidesNavBarArray(array(), $ride['categoryid'], $ride['title']));
After doing these 3 changes, you will see a breadcrumb in your forum's layout and not with these custom arrows that might not match your forum's style.
P.S.: Thanks for this great addon!