just wondering
i know i posted about this earlier and i was told to try something but not quite sure if what i was asking was understood so ill try and ask clearer
I was just wondering..... if I cant that's fine ill deal with it I'm just picky i guess lol but any way
on the view forum leaders
when i assign some one as a moderator it puts them under the moderator spot all fine and good
BUT when i give that moderator a forum or forums to moderate and you click on forum leaders
said moderator with assigned forums shows up at the top of the list with the assigned forums and then again under the moderator section with no naming of forums
to me this is kinda annoying soo can i fix it or no
for help please look at the moderator attachment first that is what i beleive is the normal and the other attachment is what i get when i assign forums and i would love to make that one go away lol