Originally Posted by ozzy47
If the post you tried to report is made by a admin account, it will not count in this mod. Make a post using a test user. Then report the post as another test user.
This will send any post that reaches the specified amount into moderation.
It works! This is out standing! Thanks for doing this!
One thing you could add is when the thread (if first post) or post shows up in the mod only board or the reported posts board it shows that this is a post/thread awaiting moderation.
Currently my mods would have to log in to there settings or log in to the mod board to see them. There is no notification they get that posts/threads are awaiting moderation.
I do plan on testing
this mod with yours to see if the notifications your mod creates will show up.
Thanks again for doing this an so quick after my thread! I have it marked as installed and I 5 stared it.
FYI, I don't see the mod of the month link?