Ran into a problem with usergroups.
Primary usergroup for all new members (including Steam Connect) is: usergroup1
Steam Connect users are added to a secondary usergroup: Steam Users
We have multiple membership plans which move members to different primary usergroups.
If a "Steam" user upgrades their account, their primary usergroup is changed. However when the Steam Connect cache time expires, it reacquires their Steam info, but then changes their primary usergroup back to the default usergroup (usergroup1).
Increasing cache time to a very large number will solve this, but then their info will never update.
Is there a way that the primary usergroup change can be disabled after the Steam users registers for the first time?
Update: I doesn't appear to be the cache time. I set it for 90 days, but members are still being removed from their upgraded usergroups and are being move back to the default usergroup1.
Any ideas?