Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I installed this on a VB 3.8 test forum and it appears to be working well. :up:
Originally Posted by y2ksw
There should be no conflict at all, since it uses a different table and an additional field to distinguish parsed posts from new or modified ones. Just disable the 3.x one and install this ... you are ready to go. Please don't forget to enable the product once you have chmodded the imported file folder and setup the options, since it installs disabled.
I disabled my installed 3.x version (i.e.
Image Cache v1.0.2.0), uploaded the new cron job, created a forum/images/imported directory, imported the product-iei4.xml (v1.0.2) file per the instructions. After toggling the Always Convert Images to Yes, I then enabled the product on vB3.8
I next edited and approved a moderated thread, after adding an external image to it and the image in the thread was subsequently processed correctly. However the MOD seems to have created
some month subfolders (i.e. 03, 05, etc) that appear empty.
Q. I assume the MOD is working it's way through my oldest threads, but was just curious as to why some subfolders created have no contents?