Ok some info you may or may not know about this site. I pulled up the page source to see what was going on and how they were accomplishing this set up.
1. The ZBSee page is a custom page within vBulletin. It can be done by making a php file with the proper code & and new template again with the proper code and you will need to place code that will call up the gallery in this page and set up the layout how you want it.
2. It looks like what they are doing is pulling this one page from a particular forum area.
3. I'm not entirely sure they are using the RSS feed on this. It looks like that they have a custom JavaScript perhaps that is pulling these images from the threads. From what I see in the source its possibly a JavaScript with some CSS styling to get the effects that they want.
This is HEAVILY coded, if you are not good with code then you might want to hire someone to code the page for you. You'll need to know PHP, CSS, HTML & JavaScript to probably do this.