Originally Posted by edw1313
The forum has more than 300,000 pages loaded to sitemaps (generated by DragonByte) but Google indexed about 200,000 of pages.
O have noticed that some topic treads (categories) are indexed and some (mostly located deeper) are not. for example:
http://avforum.no/forum/forum135/index52.html INDEXED
http://avforum.no/forum/forum135/index92.html NOT INDEXED
I have a feeling that Google can't reach these links on site and ignores sitemaps. Any idea how to make ALL pages of all treads indexed?
I have increased "Number of Pages Visible in Page Navigator" - it shows more pages at once now
what else can be done to improve indexing of forum's pages? 
Many of those threads are most likely already indexed. Google tends to ignore most duplicate content and you do not really need those index pages indexed if the content with in is already there.
To improve your content pages indexing add more content to those existing threads and do some internal linking as well. For example: If you have a good thread about mustangs that also talks about Corvettes, put a link with good anchor text inside that post to the vette page.
It is also a good idea to go into Google and see which pages are your popular ones and do some internal linking on those pages. This not only helps with bounce rates but also helps ensure that Google will crawl those pages.
Also, go through your oldest threads and update the content a bit. Naturally add some keywords, internal linking, etc. This can help give some of those older threads more life in Google.