What is the best folder structure to use for mods?
What is the best folder structure to use for mods?
I like to be able to delete files from mods easily, but there are some trade offs that lead me to place them in the standard folders. If I do that I guess I could name the individual files uniquely so as to make them easy to find.
Here's the structure I presently use:
/admincp/[mod name].php
/packages/[mod name]/[css].css
/packages/[mod name]/[javascript].js
/packages/[mod name]/hooks/[hooks].php
/packages/[mod name]/includes/xml/[xml].xml
/images/[mod name]/buttons/[images].jpg
Or should it be something like:
/admincp/[mod name].php
[mod name hook1].php
[mod name hook2].php
/includes/xml/[mod xml].xml
/images/buttons/[mod images].jpg
Or something else?