Originally Posted by joeychgo
You wouldn't have a business if not for vb.org, so I have to question why it is too hard for you to support things here.
I'd be more than happy to answer this for you
When someone posts a response to a thread on this site, I receive an email notification ONLY if I have already visited the site and/or the thread in question since the previous post. For that reason, let's say someone posts a reply going "Works for me and does what I need, thanks

" and then someone posts a reply going "I'm receiving a DB error saying 'missing phrasegroup dbtech_usertag', it's flooding my inbox, could you please assist?" I won't see the second reply until I visit the site.
Contrast this to if these two people start their own individual support tickets @ our site; I'll receive an email with the modification in question, the forum they posted in (e.g. whether they own the Lite or Pro version), the subject they entered and the full message body. This lets me know that Ticket A (the kudos) - while greatly appreciated - does not require my immediate attention, but Ticket B (the DB error) does.
This is not even touching on the amount of problems that can arise if multiple different people require my attention over multiple posts.
Moving on, let's talk about feature requests. Sure, a few requests we receive are ones where I could spend an hour and simply add it to the mod, but the vast majority of our outstanding feature requests are major undertakings that would require days, if not weeks, to add to the product.
If someone posts a feature request on page 5 of a release thread here, in 3 months the thread in question may have received 50 new pages, meaning I would either need to keep a text file with description of each request, or I would need to manually dig it out of the thread.
Contrast this to if people post the feature request @ our site, the aforementioned support ticket system will give me a categorised, browsable list of every single feature request anyone has ever posted since the start of DBTech. This allows me to quickly refer back to a feature request at a later date, and contact the requester quickly and easily if I require more information.
If you still remain unconvinced as to why we prefer support requests posted @ our site, then it is of course your prerogative to decline our request for you to re-post issues. I hope that I have at least helped you understand that we don't do it simply because we want to make your lives more difficult, there is a rhyme and a reason