Well you already know I'd like it.
For people that already like to edit in notepad, Ultraedit etc, editing the templates within a database may well be fine.
But for those people like myself who prefer to work from a design perspective and not worry too much about the code behind it all, it would be nice to edit the templates in Dreamweaver and FTP them to the server once updates have been made. People from a graphic design background would clearly find it easier to contribute if they could concentrate on designing with industry standard tools rather than having to take on board HTML development skills.
Anything that widens choice and makes the updating of a vBulletin site more accessible can only be a good thing.
The sad thing is a lot of people who'd find the hack useful, probably wouldn't be logged into this site in the first place, as hacking can be very daunting at first.
If this was available either as a hack or future functionality I would migrate back from phpBB to vBulletin.