Originally Posted by highlander_RD
Uninstalled. Good idea, but images can't be uploaded (CHMOD is already set to 777).
I opened a support ticket, but got no naswer. Maybe the lite version is not supported.
Let's pass on.
Could you please PM me with a link to your support ticket? I would like the opportunity to look into what could have happened there.
Originally Posted by kylek
yes, it does it on a plain jane default style. Use 1650 x 1050 but have checked on other resolutions and it does the same.
Thinking it may be something else we have installed conflicting I started to disable each one. Right now it seems the issue is with your vbeditor tabs. If I disable it the delete popup works correctly. Enabled it is pushed over to the right side half off the screen.
We have 11 tabs for smilies categories and in the normal vbulletin editor they work fine, lower resolution they make two rows.
When in edit image in the vbgallery the vbeditor tabs are displayed but this seems to push the delete popup off to the right side. Now if they could be removed or set to not to show on the gallery editor things would be good.
I'll add this to our ToDo list, thanks
Originally Posted by concepts
Fatal error: Call to undefined function log_admin_action() in /home/ruo/public_html/dbtgallery.php on line 33
This error shows when I go to attempt to access the Gallery Page.
Please drag and drop the contents of the upload folder to your forum folder, this error means /admincp/dbtgallery.php was uploaded to the forum root, and not the admincp folder.