Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
How does this handle search bots?
Originally Posted by ozzy47
Wait, you say they will see the same thin search visitors see, but don't they see the message as well?
You can control this behavior in the latest version.
Originally Posted by ozzy47
Well, then that is not good, the search engines should be able to see anything, that is not in a private forum. If they see that message, I would think your rankings are going to drop, as there is no content for them to view.
Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Cutting off Google to most of your content is definitely not a good idea.
That's not true. Not all sites depends on SE indexing every reply-posts. Usually initial post contains enough materials that are related to the topic anyways.
Also, you are forgetting that it is just an option. Plenty of sites has contents that they don't wanna show in public (for whatever reason) without registering. This add-on acts nicely as snippet and drive conversation rates. Sites like Quora/WSJ works in a similar way and still get SE traffic just fine.