Originally Posted by ozzy47
This happened after the update yesterday? What version were you running before?
I should've been more precise, i meant a javascript included simply through the header.
We only added that AFTER updating to 1.4.8 - though the bug exists, I don't know if its new or not as I won't downgrade to the insecure version which had the XSS vulnerability.
Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
This sounds more like the custom script has broken vBDonate than the other way around...
What issues are you having? If you can provide some links/images/details I'll see what we can do about it.
Sorry for not saying what kind of script: It's a Javascript and therefore didn't break anything.
As soon as VBdonate is running, the script doesn't work any longer.
It's working on all other pages, where vbdonate is not running.
As soon as I deactivate vbdonate, it works as intended, too.
You can see an example after registring on
The snowflakes are gone, where vbdonate is running.
Please fix the problem.