Originally Posted by shneler2010
Is there any way to change time wait before redirected?
Example i want member have to wait 3s before redirected.
Not in this version, sorry. Not without changing a lot of the PHP Code.
I will be updating this addon soon, it will allow you do to much more, including change the Time Before Redirect.
I have the updated version working well on my site, but it still has a few bugs/glitches. So when I have it running at 100%, I will update this addon on vb.org.
You can see the updated version running on my site if you like:
You can also use any URL you like, just to test it out.
All you have to do is put your URL after the "
?" (question mark):
Note: Them links also work
without the HTTPS/SSL.
The updated version will work on any Domain or Subdomain you want to use. And it will still anonymize all the external links on your forum, except the Protected URL's that you set in the Javascript. The custom javascript file will link all external links to the Anonymizer Domain or Subdomain that you choose.
I am just trying to figure out an easier way for people to install the updated addon, without actually editing the javascript file and adding the anonymizer domain or subdomain. It will work as it is right now, but if you will be using a different domain or subdomain for the Anonymizer addon other then your main domain, you will need to edit the javascript file and change the URL of the anonymizer.
Don't worry, I will have it up and running very soon. Sorry for the long wait. I really don't have much time on my hands, with the holidays and all.