Hello friends,
Back in January, we paid the lead developer from overgrow.com to assist us with a migration and hacks project. To make a long story short, he was paid, did about 70% of the project and then disappeared. We have tried to reach him, but he is not returning phone calls and not answering email. Now we have a project that needed finishing in February and is still not complete.
We are in desperate need of finishing the project and were wondering if any of the more seasoned developers here would be interested in our paying you to take on finishing it. We have one of the largest vbulletin installations on the net and our members would be grateful -- we would also be interested in an ongoing arrangement if this works out better than it did with Overgrow.
The site is
Please email me your contact information to
paul@caliberdesign.com so I can call you to discuss the project, or please post here. Hacker recommendations are also greatly appreciated as we have really been burned badly.
I appreciate your time and attention.
Paul Willingham
Paul Willingham
Caliber Design, Inc.
P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
Phone: 212-823-1000 x 34 Fax: 212-208-2531