Originally posted by Ruth
Module: mod_auth_mysql
OS: Unix, Linux , WinNT.
AuthType Basic
AuthName "MySQL Member Page"
Auth_MYSQLhost www.vbulletin.com
Auth_MYSQLusername root
Auth_MYSQLpassword *****
Auth_MYSQLdatabase forum
Auth_MYSQLpwd_table user
Auth_MYSQLuid_field username
Auth_MYSQLpwd_field password
Auth_MYSQL_EncryptedPasswords off
require valid-user
for more information about this module contact your webhost.
How do you restrict this to specific user groups.?? My forum is a club website . .... there is registerd forum users ( Non PGAC Members, userid = 2) and there is registerd forum users with Private access who have paid ( PGAC Members, userid = 8)
I want to be able to use the forum database but only allow the PGAC members to access the areas i want via this htaccess thing.