If you're trying to get it to work, then I don't think you should be removing anything, but maybe there's something I don't know.
You can add a column to a table in phpMyAdmin by going to the 'Structure' tab for the user table (after clicking on the database name and the 'user' table name), then scroll down to the bottom and look for the "Add 1 Column(s)..." row and press the Go button.
On the next page, fill in panjo_selling for the name, 'BOOLEAN' for the type, and check the checkbox under 'null'. Then press "Save".
That should add the column that's giving you the error. You'll probably need to add the other columns to the usergroup and thread tables as well. Maybe you can figure out how to fill in the options for those those by looking at the code I posted above (if not I can try to help with those as well).