friendlymela, If you need to make money off the site then I suggest that you drop the idea that google adsense will be placed on the site and instead try to use something else. Here are some better suggestions that you can use on your site and they pay better than adsense.
1. Install a banner rotator I suggest the one here:, its the best one and works nicely for a professional look and allowing you to set your ads where you want them.
2. Join a couple/few of Affiliate programs targeted to to/for your site. Basically if your site is about Electronics then you would want to get an affiliation with a company like Best Buy, NewEgg, etc. Most of the larger companies have affiliate programs. Look in the footer of their pages for a link that is usually where they hide it.
Since it looks like your site has several different topics and elements on it you could always try a place like Amazon for the affiliate program or possibly a big corp like Wal-Mart, or Target, or a place closer to where you live. There maybe places that are in Pakistan that may have affiliate programs.
Affiliations is a better way to make money off your site. You can target ads easier and the rules are different than they are with adsense. Some affiliates are more lax with whom they allow to join the affiliation. Adsense is a dog, plain and simple. I've had clients that had it on there did not tell anyone to click on ads and they were getting several hundred to thousands of dollars a month and out of no where Adsense shut them down saying they were abusing the system and asking people to click the ads when they were not and Google Adsense had no proof they were doing that. So needless to say even if you get approved by Adsense they usually find a way to not pay you if they feel you are making too much money.