Hi all.
Except for the following two issues, is there any other issue/bug with this add-on?
Originally Posted by secondeye
I have a problem with this MOD:
I had installed and in testing period i found below error:
1- Go to register page and enter my email address.
2- I get verification code in email
3- I confirm the code and began to continue with step 3 and fill the rest of the form.
onece timer ends, i click on confirm registration then it ask me to enter email again for verification and then send a code and then show me step 3 and this process continues
Any Solution?
Originally Posted by anupam_luv
Have installed it just to remove spam blog entries...
When I click on "Delete as spammer" ... under Deletion Confirmation i choose only one option that is "Delete Third Party Data" (for deleting spammy blogs) and also choose to "ban user account"
It gives me the following php error :
Call to undefined function build_options() in /home3/anandpla/public_html/dstreetdirect.com/includes/class_dm_phpkd_vbsas.php on line 650
Also if I dont choose anything out of (Delete User Account / Ban user account) and keep it blank then it shows following vbulletin message (not error page)
"You have NOT selected any data to be deleted! Please return back and confirm which data SHOULD be deleted first and try again."
What could be the problem???