First thanks for offering the counter code, if it does what I think it does it'll definitely make it in the add-on. Primitive is better you have it looking simple enough to understand. I"m post below what you can do to remove the required fields when adding a new entry. Still not a 100% fix though, the year is still added as a default 0.
Open the vbrides_addedit_ride template an delete the following code from the beginning.
if(document.forms["vbform"].year.value.length == 0) {
document.forms["vbform"].year.value.length = '{vb:stylevar general_hilite_color}';
alert('{vb:var vbphrase.vbrides_error_year}');
return false;
if(document.forms["vbform"].make.value.length == 0) {
document.forms["vbform"].make.value.length = '{vb:stylevar general_hilite_color}';
alert('{vb:var vbphrase.vbrides_error_make}');
return false;
if(document.forms["vbform"].model.value.length == 0) {
document.forms["vbform"].model.value.length = '{vb:stylevar general_hilite_color}';
alert('{vb:var vbphrase.vbrides_error_model}');
return false;
Then use the "Search in Template" for the word "required" an delete it. Should find three.
That will remove the required restrictions an let you complete the entry. Though as I mentioned before those fields make the title the add-on uses to refer to the entry. The year will default to "0", I didn't figure out where this is being done. It needs some number entered,m wouldn't take text. So this might not get you to far so I'll work on being able to set them as required from the control panel.
Been having a little trouble getting the time to work on this product. I got a new puppy, the high energy kind that if it doesn't get enough attention it starts to chew on my arm.