Template caching and template search issue
I have made a change to the "postbit_attachmentthumbnail" template.
In there, I added a parameter to the URL of the attachment.
This is working for attachments that are not embedded.
For embedded attachments, the url parameter does not show.
So I reprocessed the post cache. Still, the parameter does not show.
Is there another template cache that I am not aware of?
I can see that I modified the correct template. It is the only one that contains the phrase "image_larger_version_x_y_z".
There is however another obscurity on my board.
When I search for the string "image_larger_version_x_y_z", the first few styles will not show that template in teh results.
When I search for the template name, the first few styles will show the template.
That's strange, and I think there could be a connection to the above issue?
I have already re-built the styles a few times. That did not help either.