Originally Posted by TerryMason
I'm getting the same behavior as kether1, except mine look like
.......Item 1
.......The list
..............Item 2
..............its list
............................Item 3
............................its list
..........................................Item 4
..........................................its list
However this is only when you are in edit mode. If you look at someone else's page, or or when not logged in, it looks fine.
Also, would it be possible to customize the text on this tab, to say one thing to the owner (tell us about your computer..), and another thing to everyone else (terrymason's computer specs).
Thanks for the great mod!
To fix it follow the instructions below (testing on 4.2.0).
Open template
HTML Code:
<vb:if condition="$nowrap">
<div id="view-{vb:raw id}" class="<vb:if condition="$selected_tab == $id">selected_view_section<vb:else />view_section</vb:if>">
<vb:if condition="$show['simple_link']">
<a class="floatright" href="{vb:link member,{vb:raw bbuserinfo}}&tab=EPFP_tab&simple=1">{vb:rawphrase view_your_about_me}</a>
<vb:if condition="$show['edit_link']">
<a class="floatright" href="{vb:link member,{vb:raw bbuserinfo}}&tab=EPFP_tab">{vb:rawphrase edit_your_about_me}</a>
<div class="blockbody userprof_content userprof_content_border">
<div class="blockrow member_blockrow">
<vb:if condition="$show['profile_category_title']">
{vb:raw block_data.EPFP_tab}
<vb:else />
{vb:raw block_data.EPFP_tab}
<vb:if condition="$nowrap">