Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
I saw the name Plum, he's one of the known powersurge hackers.
- You could have been hacked into long ago, spare admin accounts present?
- Even if you have disabled a mod/plugin the files still have the vulnerabilities present so m,ods such as Tapatalk which had a recent security exploit found should always be updated to the most secure version or removed entirely.
- Do as HM666 mentioned and overwrite all files, after that review the back-end and see if there's any spare admin accounts (use usergroup manager check for accounts w/ secondary usergroups assigned as well) and then check the plugins via the plugin manager as they can edit plugins after gaining access then finally check all files that were not overwritten and do not skip checking your attachments folder if stored in filesystem I've seen them hide files there too.
- no, this first time
- oh no! Tapatalk not Update
- attachment now i changed back to database system
hacker delete all .htaccess file to have access to open protected directory ..
--------------- Added [DATE]1415314827[/DATE] at [TIME]1415314827[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Ive seen the same hack embedded with hacked versions of Dbtechseo and Vbseo too.
I agree not to share the hack. 
so DBTech SEO not secure?