Originally Posted by gajinoz
I am also turning off the plugins one by one to see if one of those is causing it.
That's a good idea. It's pretty common for plugins to change the template cache, so it could be that all your templates are OK.
I haven't tried this at all myself, but you might try editing file includes/class_core.php and (temporarily) changing the lines around line 4715 like this (the red parts are added):
if (strpos($template_code, '$final_rendered') !== false)
if (($error = ob_get_clean()) !== '') {
echo $error;
echo "\nTemplate '{$this->template}'\n\n";
and maybe 'die' after the backtrace if you don't want a bunch of them. Again that would be temporary of course because you normally wouldn't want to be doing all that for every template.
If you want to try it and you aren't used to doing things like that, I'd suggest that you copy class_core.php to another name before changing it, that way if you run in to problems you can just copy it back.