Originally Posted by Panjo
Panjo's vBulletin classifieds plugin is still just available in English. The project to translate Panjo into other languages got pushed back. Panjo supports a variety of currencies:
Australian Dollar | AUD
Canadian Dollar | CAD
Czech Koruna | CZK
Danish Krone | DKK
Euro | EUR
Hong Kong Dollar | HKD
Norwegian Krone | NOK
New Zealand Dollar | NZD
Pound Sterling | GBP
Singapore Dollar | SGD
Swedish Krona | SEK
Swiss Franc | CHF
U.S. Dollar | USD
Currencies aren?t the matter. But the complete non-english speaking communit can?t use your product, when it?s not beeing offered to be translated (through Panjo or the forums owners themselfs). No US-site would offer a third party service to their visitors and members, when it?s only available in Hindu - likewise it?s for non-english speaking forums.
Originally Posted by Panjo
The project to translate Panjo into other languages got pushed back.
I?ve heard you. May be Panjo should be excluded from the non-english vBulletin versions, at least until it?s available in the language the vB-version is licensed to. It?ll be installed every update if someone is going to uninstall plugins he cannot make use of (i.e. for security reasons aso).