....like a virus....
great present that vbulletin made to us...
Please give a look at here, when you try to purchase an item, you are redirected to the panjo.com site...
Is a really great way to collect buyers and sellers informations and contacts and have the panjo banner in all the place of the forums, and who know what else....
All the sellers and buyers informations that come from a forum, are property of that forum so you cannot redirect these informations to your site....

More you want put 2 big panjo banners in each page of the plugin???
I think that plugin to work must work like a stand alone plugin
and down the pages of the plugin you add a non invasive banner (like now is) to your site.
I think that this is just more then enough. This can be good for both parts: Panjo and the forums admin's.
And also I'm still waiting for the answers about the questions I have made you in my previous posts.
Then you can do like you prefer.