Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
It doesn't allow for email confirmation because it isn't necessary. If the email isn't valid they can never log in.
I will see about redirecting to a URL- what page do you imagine redirecting them to?
1 - If invalid email addresses are used, you increase bounced emails and emails that go to nowhere (or to the wrong person). This is bad for the deliverability of emails from a domain. Unconfirmed email addresses do not get automated forum emails (which is good).
Especially on some boards where all members are automatically subscribed to certain threads/forums.
With your system, speaking in a somewhat extreme circumstance, all it would take is a blast from a spam bot (or registrations over time) and next thing you know your forum has 100's of email addresses in the database that receive forum emails. This could also result in spam complaints. It has FAR more to do with just whether or not they can log-on, there are negative effects to bypassing the email confirmation step.
I've had members registered for several months and even 1+ years before ever making their first post, so generally speaking I won't prune users out just because of their post count, as there is some content for registered members only which some people might register to access.
2 - I would like to redirect to any URL I choose. Could be an offer for an upgraded membership, could be a link to a rules thread, could redirect to the introduction forum, etc.
I was using the register redirect mod for a while but it's incompatible with your mod. I will most likely be uninstalling it soon however until improvements are made.