Originally Posted by Azum
I should probably be able to figure this out, but no luck so far.
I have style AA and style BB.
In style AA when clicking on a thread (showthread) with debug mode on, one of the templates called is newpost_disablesmiliesoption
However, in style BB that template is not called.
Same is true for newreply and newthread (available in style AA, but not BB).
I need that template to be available in showthread, newreply, and newthread in style BB. How do I do that?
Is that template from a mod that you installed? It sounds like it probably is, so really all you have to do is copy the template contents into a new template.
Follow these steps:
1. login to your Admincp.
2. Go to Styles & Templates>Style Manager
3. Find the style you want to add this new template to.
4. Click the dropdown on the far right and choose under Template Options "Add New Template".
5. Paste the contents of the newpost_disablesmiliesoption template found in the other style.
6. Save the new template.
Depending upon why you have this extra template you may need to add code to your showthread, newreply & newthread templates in order for it to call this new template into your style. Without seeing the template code I cannot tell you what code you need to add to those other templates or if you need extra code there or not.
If you installed a mod and this is what has caused your problem, be sure in the future that when ever a mod calls for you to edit the template of your style that you have to edit each style manually. Just edited one style does not automatically make it work everywhere.